Things I Think I Know; Things I Usually Do; and Some Things I Just Like.
In Tip 12 I got on my soap box about showing respect for the targets of our fly fishing efforts. I was mainly on a rant brought on by...

Things I Think I Know; Things I Usually Do; and Some Things I Just Like.
It looks like we might be headed into the February Thaw, so if you can find some open water, it’s a good time to get in some fishing. We...

Things I Think I Know; Things I Usually Do; and Some Things I Just Like.
In this Tip we’re going to talk a little more about rigging up, and I’ll be sharing some of my biases about what flies to use around here....

Wyoming Fly Casters Outing to Muddy Guard #1
#WyomingFlyCastersOutingtoMuddyGuard1 #wyomingflycastersoutings #wyomingfishingreport #fishingwithWyomingFlyCasters #FlyfishingWyoming...

Wyoming Flycasters grant helps Encampment River
The Wyoming Flycasters and featured in the Wyoming Game and Fish Laramie Region Newsletter for a grant on the Encampment River....

Things I Think I Know; Things I Usually Do; and Some Things I Just Like.
In this Tip I’m going to talk about actually fishing. About time, right? But be advised that in keeping with my desire to help you be...