General Meeting Minutes 8/9/17
August 9, 2017
President Blake Jackson called the meeting to order and Pledge of Allegiance, at 7:12 PM at Izaac Walton Club House.
Discussion: Fishing Report
Blake gave an update on how the fishing has been; 33 mile is still good. Using dry flies are productive with the cool temperatures and smoky overcast. Fish seem to up towards the bank and Yellow Sally’s and Cream Nymphs are working well.
Should be a good hatch of crawdads with the moon cycle; try crawdads next time out.
Hoppers are ok, but will pick up in a few weeks.
Discussion: Outings
Sign up sheet going around if anyone would like to be on the “Outing” committee.

Casting in the Park (City Park downtown) on Thursdays at 6:00 PM, free and all are welcome
Discussion: Platte River Revival Clean-up September 23rd
Blake mentioned they need a lot of help even if you do not have a boat. There is something everyone can do; mark trees/thistles, help at tables…contact him if you would like to help and a sign up sheet will be passed around at general meeting.
Discussion: Riverfest
Blake mentioned Ugly Bug would have a booth and so will WY Fly Casters. Janet explained we would have poles and things for people walking by. Working on membership form they can take when they stop at booth. Both Janet and Blake mentioned we need help and it’s from 12:00-6.
Discussion: EXPO
Spencer mentioned the Hunting Fishing Expo would be in Casper next year May 17-19th. The club would be involved and donating money as a sponsor.
Discussion: Sponsors
Joe mentioned we have sponsors that will support our ads on the radio starting April 2018. Need to start thinking of ads.
Discussion: Project Healing Waters
Derrick said they have been busy with National and local trips. PHW will be working with Hunting for Hero’s in September offering fly-casting instruction.
PHW will have their Thankful Thursday on October 26th. Get with Derrick if interested in helping.
Presenter- Thomas Rhode “Carp on the Fly”
Great display of flies he uses at different times of the year and presentation of catching carp and how it is beneficial to know how to if you want to fish for ocean fish! Anyone interested in fishing for carp get with Blake and he will help make arrangements for you to fish with Thomas!
Blake adjourned the meeting at 7:45 PM after presentation.